Shamrock Bleeding Gloworms
Made with only the finest material and the strongest hooks on the market, you know you’re going to fish with confidence.Therefore, many Irish Competition Boat Anglers keep a few packs of Bleeding Gloworms in their box. This rigs true potential is realize when fishing through rough/weedy ground for Wrasse,
KENNEDY’S TOP TIP: When Boat Fishing over rough or weedy ground (usually very close to the shore), just add a few small Rag Worms to the “Super Sharp” Hooks, lower your trace to the bottom of the sea, bounce your lead off the bottom a couple of times, let your trace stay still for a minute or two and it won’t be long until you are engaged in a full scale battle with a big Ballen or Corkwing Wrasse, the Wrasse will attempt to crash dive to the bottom, so reel him up as fast as you can.
Hook Size: 1
Mainline: 30 lb
Snoods: 25 lb